
Green Punjab Eggplant Seeds (Aimers International) 2820


Size: SKU: Price: Availability: Quantity: Total:
packet M-2820-PKT $2.63 In stock
250-seeds S-2820-250SEEDS $18.25 In stock
500-seeds S-2820-500SEEDS $29.95 In stock



Green Punjab Eggplant Seeds (Aimers International) 2820. Open Pollinated. Variety originated in India.

Approx. 50 seeds/pkt (230 seeds/gram)

Strong spineless plants growing to 75 cm in height produce large, slightly elongated green fruit weighing between 200-300 g. The flesh is very soft and typically used mashed in vegetarian curry dishes. Matures in 80 days.

How to Grow

Start seeds indoors in a sterile medium 8-10 weeks before plant out time. Soak seeds for 24 hours in tepid water before sowing. Grow seedlings under bright light with warm temperatures of 24-26° C then harden off before transplanting out to a sunny site after all danger of frost has passed. Seed germinates in 7-14 days.

Planting Depth: 6 mm. Seed Spacing: 7.5 cm. Thin to: 60 cm. Row Width: 90 cm.

COMMENTS: Stake plants for extra support. Keep soil evenly moist. When harvesting fruit, cut the stem off 2.5 cm  above the fruit. Best flavour is found with firm fruit that has a glossy shine – dull skin is often an indication that the fruit is overripe.