
Extra Tender Natural Sweet XR Hybrid Organic Corn Seeds 4038


Size: SKU: Price: Availability: Quantity: Total:
packet M-4038-PKT $2.39 In stock
500-seeds D-4038-500SEEDS $42.65 In stock
3000-seeds D-4038-3,000SEEDS $171.00 In stock
15000-seeds S-4038-15,000SEEDS $656.00 In stock
30000-seeds S-4038-30,000SEEDS $1,075.00 In stock



Extra Tender Natural Sweet XR Organic Corn Seeds 4038. Hybrid.

Approx. 30 seeds/pkt (6 seeds/gram)

An extra sweet, organic corn with an amazing taste! The 20 cm cobs are filled with 16-18 rows of eye-catching, bi-coloured kernels. Grows 1-2 m in height. Attractive medium to dark green husks, excellent tip fill, and shows good resistance to common rust. Has the SH2 Supersweet gene. Germination takes about 7 to 10 days when soil temperatures are warm. If soil is too cold, seeds may not germinate and succumb to rot and pests.

How to Grow

Sweet corn plants require isolation from other corn types, including other sweet types, popcorn, ornamental corn and silage corn. To be on the safe side, isolate sweet corn types with a surrounding buffer zone 76 m wide. Another way to accomplish isolation is to sow different corn types at least two weeks apart. Sweet corn will grow in most soil types. Avoid situations where soils suffer from extremes of wet or drought. Best grown in a sunny, wind sheltered site with a well drained, organic soil. Plant seed after all danger of frost is past and the soil has warmed up to at least 18° C – planting any sooner delays germination which in turn drastically increases the chance that the seed will be destroyed by insects or rot before sprouting. AVOID SOWING IN COLD SOIL. When planting in rows, space the seed 10-15 cm apart, later thinning to 20-30 cm apart with the rows 90 cm apart. To ensure proper pollination, plant at least 3 to 4 rows. Corn can also be planted with 3 to 4 seeds per hill in hills spaced 30 cm apart. Plant 250 g to a 30 m row; 4.5-6.8 kg per acre. Work in a good general vegetable fertilizer at planting, keep weeds under control and the soil evenly watered through the season. Sufficient water is particularly important at flowering and when the cobs begin to fill. Cobs are generally ready for harvesting when the ‘silks’ turn dark brown. To check for optimum maturity, gently peel back a section of the husk and press your thumbnail into a kernel. If the liquid is a milky colour, the corn is ready. Should it be clear, the corn is immature and if it is thick, the corn is over-mature and probably tough.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

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Days to Harvest

Degree of Difficulty

Family Name

Frost Tolerance

Growth Habit



Length of Row Packet


Organic Status
