Watermelon Seeds
Open pollinated and hybrid watermelons are ideally suited to Canadian home gardens. They are ripe when the fruits easily slip off the vine.
Sowing: Select a south facing, wind-sheltered site and direct garden sow 5 seeds 2.5 cm deep per hill. Space hills 1.5-2 m apart. Thin to 3 to 4 plants per hill. In short season areas, start seeds in peat/paper pots indoors 4 weeks before planting outdoors. Seeds need a warm soil to germinate properly. Ideally 24° C soil temperatures. Do not sow into soil cooler than 21° C or germination will be affected. Transplanting: When the weather has warmed and danger of frost has passed transplant 5- 7.5 cm apart in rows 1.5-2 m apart. Keep the vines evenly watered throughout the growing season. Use floating row covers and plastic mulch to warm the soil will produce better yields.
Harvesting: When the grey-green skin colour starts to turn a buff-yellow at the spot where the fruit sits on the ground and the fruits slip off easily they are ready to enjoy!
Tip: Try tapping fruits with a finger…if you hear a “punk” or hollow sound, it’s ready to pick!
OSC Seeds recommends using SCOUT IPPM to evaluate pests and pollinator populations in your cucurbit crops. Developed in partnership with the University of Guelph and Pollinator Partnership Canada, the SCOUT IPPM app uses scientific data and government guidelines to set action recommendations for growers. Free download is available on App Store and Google Play.
Showing all 4 results
Crimson Sweet Watermelon Seeds 2410
$1.75 – $20.95 -
Sugar Baby Watermelon Seeds 2415
$1.75 – $20.95 -
Sugar Baby Organic Watermelon Seeds 4207
$2.39 – $15.40 -
Tendersweet Orange Watermelon Seeds 2420
$1.99 – $20.95