
Annual Rye Seeds (Ryegrass) 7115


Size: SKU: Price: Availability: Quantity: Total:
500-g B-7115-500G $4.50 In stock
2-kg B-7115-2KG $9.59 In stock


Annual Rye Seeds (Ryegrass) 7115. Annual Rye makes a good nurse crop and thrives in poor soils and full sun. Due to its fast germination, it is exceptionally useful on slopes where it helps reduce erosion and quickly stabilize the area while longer-term species are getting established. When using annual rye as a nurse crop do not exceed the recommended application rate as the annual rye can actually out-compete the target species if it is applied at too heavy a rate. It can also be used where quick seasonal cover is required such as on longer-term construction and development sites. Can reach up to 100 cm in height. The 500 g package covers 20 m² (215 ft ²) when used as quick seasonal cover and 200 m² (2200 ft²) when used as a nurse crop. Annual ryegrass is an introduced species but is not invasive.

How to Grow

400 seed/gram. Mix annual rye with any perennial, wildflower, or native seed blend to provide quick germination and help reduce weed seed germination, stop soil from blowing away and reduce erosion damage from water run-off. Do not over-apply annual rye when using it as a nurse crop. Due to its aggressive growth, annual rye can actually outcompete the very species that you want to establish. Annual ryegrass will not be permanently established because winter kills any remaining annual ryegrass plants. Maximum nurse crop application rate: 22 kg per hectare (20 lbs per acre). Germination takes 3-5 days.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A


Degree of Difficulty

Family Name

Frost Tolerance

Growth Habit


