
Arizona Red Shades Hybrid Gaillardia Seeds 6477


Size: SKU: Price: Availability: Quantity: Total:
packet M-6477-PKT $2.39 In stock


Arizona Red Shades Gaillardia Seeds 6477. Hybrid. Perennial.

Approx. 10 seeds/pkt (350 seeds/gram)

This gaillardia has a flower power that is second to none!  Deep crimson flowers 10 cm in diameter smother the plant from late spring through September. Compact plants average 30 cm in height. Arizona Red Shades Gaillardia is a variable short lived perennial hardy to Zone 5. As such it is best treated as an annual in many parts of Canada.

How to Grow

Best directly sown outdoors in a sunny site. Sow seed 6 mm deep from mid-May to early June. Thin established plants to 20-30 cm apart. For earlier flowering, seed can be started indoors in a soil-less mix 4-6 weeks before planting out. Sow seed at 6 mm and at a temperature of 20° C, they will germinate in 7-14 days – grow on under lights at a cooler temperature of 14° C before hardening off and transplanting to a sunny site in the garden after the danger of frost has passed.

Additional information

Weight 0.003 kg
Dimensions 12 × 10 × 0.1 cm

Blooming Season Begins

Degree of Difficulty

Family Name

Frost Tolerance

Growth Habit




Suggested Uses

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