
Bloomsdale Long Standing Spinach Seeds 2185


Size: SKU: Price: Availability: Quantity: Total:
packet M-2185-PKT $1.75 In stock
10-g I-2185-10G-D $3.99 In stock
25-g I-2185-25G $6.25 In stock
125-g E-2185-125G $12.55 In stock
500-g G-2185-500G $23.00 In stock
1-kg S-2185-1KG $36.75 In stock



Bloomsdale Long Standing Spinach Seeds 2185. Heirloom Vegetable.

Approx. 400 seeds/pkt (50-60 seeds/gram)

Since the mid 1920’s, Bloomsdale Long Standing has been the standard Savoy leaved spinach on the market.The richly flavoured leaves are simply superb raw in salads or cooked in a main dish or on their own as a side dish. The glossy, broad, deep green, fleshy leaves are long standing in the sun and heat. Quick growth allows for multiple crops in spring and early summer and often again in late summer and early fall.

How to Grow

Sow seed 12 mm deep and 2.5 cm apart in rows 30-45 cm apart as soon as the soil can be worked in the spring and every two weeks after that until late spring. Thin to 5-7.5 cm after germination – this is the secret to the best crops. Sow again in mid to late August for fall crops. Top-dress with compost, after seedlings are well established. Germination occurs in approximately 2 weeks.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

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Days to Harvest

Degree of Difficulty

Family Name

Frost Tolerance

Growth Habit



