
Creeping Thyme Seeds 6355


Size: SKU: Price: Availability: Quantity: Total:
packet M-6355-PKT $2.39 In stock
5-g J-6355-5G $12.95 In stock
25-g J-6355-25G $43.95 In stock


Creeping Thyme Seeds 6355. Open Pollinated. Perennial.

Approx. 150 seeds/pkt (5,100 seeds/gram)

Creeping thyme thrives in dry, sunny locations. May be lightly mowed from time to time to keep plants low and encourage a second flush of flowers. Grows 15 cm tall. Excellent for filling in between patio stones. Small flowers of variable purplish hues and whitish colours appear in early July and produce a nice lemon scent when brushed. Top notch bee fodder plant. Perennial hardy to Zone 4. 1 g sows 6 m².

How to Grow

Creeping Thyme likes to be direct-sown in the cool wet conditions of early spring. Or start indoors in a soil-less mix 8 weeks before the last heavy frost. Keep at 20° C for the 14 to 21 days (sometimes longer) germination period. After that grow on under lights at a slightly cooler temperature before hardening off and transplanting outside in full sun. A dormant fall sowing in late fall is effective too. Thyme, once established, competes well with weeds. Freshly exposed soil is often loaded with weed seeds. You will need to diligently remove weeds during the first and second growing seasons. For taller annual weeds, careful mowing over the top of the seedlings can help keep these under control while the thyme is establishing. Physical removal is best for low-growing weeds such as crabgrass, dandelion, and plantain and of course for all perennial weeds.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

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