
Early Scarlet Globe Radish Seeds (Summer Type) 2090


Size: SKU: Price: Availability: Quantity: Total:
packet M-2090-PKT $1.75 In stock
25-g I-2090-25G $6.25 In stock
125-g E-2090-125G $12.95 In stock
500-g S-2090-500G $25.95 In stock
1-kg A-2090-1KG $36.75 In stock



Early Scarlet Globe Radish Seeds (Summer Type) 2090. Heirloom Vegetable.

Approx. 400 seeds/pkt (90-100 seeds/gram)

Bright scarlet roots with pure white, crisp, tender flesh that has a very mild taste. Our stock is a special strain with medium tops about 7.5 cm high. This is a good variety to choose if your soil tends to be a little sandy or on the drier side. Grown since the late 1890’s.

This product is part of the Vegetable Garden Starter Kit.

How to Grow

Sow early varieties in a sunny site as soon as the ground is workable in the spring. Winter radishes are generally sown in mid-summer. Sow seed every two weeks 12 mm deep and about 2.5 cm apart in rows about 30 cm apart. Keep soil evenly moist during germination and growth. Harvest in 3-4 weeks when the roots have reached the size of a large marble. One packet sows approximately 6 m of row. Germination occurs in 5-10 days.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

, , , ,

Days to Harvest

Degree of Difficulty

Family Name

Frost Tolerance

Growth Habit



Length of Row Packet



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