
Musquee de Province Pumpkin Seeds (Aimers International) 2915


Size: SKU: Price: Availability: Quantity: Total:
packet M-2915-PKT $2.63 In stock
25-g I-2915-25G-SS $20.65 In stock
125-g S-2915-125G-SS $58.45 Out of stock - -



Musquee de Province Pumpkin Seeds (Aimers International) 2915. Open Pollinated. Variety originated in France.

Approx. 12 seeds/pkt (8 seeds/gram)

Fruit to 10 kg shaped like a large heavily lobed cheese wheel. Skin turns from green to a beautiful rich brown colour when ripe. Flesh is deep orange with a smooth texture and very sweet taste. Dried seeds are great roasted too! Matures in 80-120 days.

How to Grow

Sow seed direct in a sunny site in late spring after soil has reached at least 20° C and after the danger of frost has passed. Can be started 3 weeks earlier indoors in plantable paper or fibre pots. Warm soil is a must – like most of the cucumber/squash/pumpkin family, seed will quickly rot if planted in soil that is cooler than recommended.  Seed typically germinates in 7-14 days.

Planting Depth: 2.5 cm. Seed Per Hill: 6. Thin to: 4 vines/hill. Hill Spacing: 2.4 m.

COMMENTS: These are extensively vining plants so before planting dig in well-rotted manure or organic matter and work in a balanced granular fertilizer. Bi-weekly applications of a balanced water soluble fertilizer through the growing season is highly beneficial. Keep the soil evenly moist. This is a super storage pumpkin when properly cured.


OSC Seeds recommends using SCOUT IPPM to evaluate pests and pollinator populations in your cucurbit crops. Developed in partnership with the University of Guelph and Pollinator Partnership Canada, the SCOUT IPPM app uses scientific data and government guidelines to set action recommendations for growers. Free download is available on App Store and Google Play.

Additional information

Weight 0.003 kg
Dimensions 12 × 9.5 × 0.2 cm

Days to Harvest


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