
Oregon Sugar Pod Organic Peas Seeds 4140


Size: SKU: Price: Availability: Quantity: Total:
packet M-4140-PKT $2.39 In stock
250-g D-4140-250G $10.45 In stock
2-kg D-4140-2KG $45.80 In stock



Oregon Sugar Pod Organic Peas Seeds 4140. Open Pollinated.

Approx. 50 seeds/pkt (3 seeds/gram)

Oregon Sugar Pod produces reliable crops of light green, double podded clusters  about 7-10 cm long. Vines grow reliably to more than 80 cm in height. This variety shows good resistance to mildew. When picked young the pods are very tender and virtually string-less. Ideal for use in stir fries or try them steamed and served with a little butter and fresh ground black pepper. That’s of course if you don’t eat all you pick fresh off the vine!

How to Grow

Peas are a cool weather crop and can be sown from early April through to mid-May when the soil temperature is between 10-16° C. In long season areas, they can also be sown in mid-August for a fall crop. Peas grow best in areas with full sun and deep, well draining, organic soils with a pH range of 6.0 to 7.0 – add horticultural limestone to ‘sweeten’ acidic soils before planting. Sow seed in doubles rows spaced 25 cm apart with the seed 6.5 cm apart within the row and 1.25-2.5 cm deep. Space each set of double rows 75 cm apart. Peas can also be sown in blocks 120 cm square with the seeds spaced 6.5 cm apart within the block. Sow successive crops 10-14 days apart for extended harvests. Keep the soil evenly moist during the germination period or emergence will be spotty. You can stake or support row planted bush varieties for easier picking – climbing varieties definitely need to be supported. Avoid the use of high nitrogen fertilizers. Once flowering starts, it is important to keep the plants well watered to produce a good harvest. As the pods mature, pick daily to enjoy their peak flavour and to encourage more pods to form. Germination occurs in 1-2 weeks.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

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Days to Harvest

Degree of Difficulty

Family Name

Frost Tolerance

Growth Habit




Organic Status
