
Osaka Purple Mustard Greens Seeds (Aimers International) 2850


Size: SKU: Price: Availability: Quantity: Total:
packet M-2850-PKT $2.63 In stock
25-g I-2850-25G $9.30 In stock
125-g S-2850-125G $35.00 In stock



Osaka Purple Mustard Greens Seeds (Aimers International) 2850. Open Pollinated. Variety originated in Japan.

Approx. 500 seeds/pkt (500 seeds/gram)

Baby leaves have a delightful sweet taste becoming much more pungent as they mature. Leaves have an intriguing purplish-red tinge. Adds both colour and pizzazz to salads. Good kitchen container garden plant. Matures in approximately 50 days.

How to Grow

SOWING: Sow seeds in a sunny site in successive crops every 2 weeks from April to August as long as weather is cool.

Planting Depth: 6 mm. Seed Spacing: 2.5 cm. Thin to: 10 cm. Row Width: 45 cm.

COMMENTS: Keep soil evenly moist. Baby greens can be harvested at 7.5-15 cm in height. Quite a cold hardy plant which allows for harvests into fall.

Additional information

Weight 0.003 kg
Dimensions 12 × 9.5 × 0.2 cm

Days to Harvest


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