
Rainbow Blend Organic Carrot Seeds 4034


Size: SKU: Price: Availability: Quantity: Total:
packet M-4034-PKT $2.39 In stock
5-g K-4034-5G $16.80 In stock
25-g K-4034-25G $55.00 In stock



Rainbow Blend Organic Carrot Seeds 4034. Open Pollinated.

Approx. 600 seeds/pkt (850 seeds/gram)

An eye-pleasing blend of different coloured carrots, each with its own crunchy texture, distinct sweet flavour and different mature size. Rainbow Blend includes: Atomic Red, Bambino, Cosmic Purple, Lunar White and Solar Yellow.

How to Grow

Carrots will grow well in any open, well cultivated, deep garden soil. As the seed is quite small, mix it with some sand when sowing. Once soil temperature rises above 7.5° C, sow seed about 7-15 mm deep in rows spaced 45-60 cm apart. Stagger several sowings over the next few weeks. Keep the seedbed evenly moist during the 2-3 week germination period. Avoid crusting over the soil as this will greatly reduce the number of seedlings that emerge from the soil. Thin the seedlings during the early stages of growth until they are 5 cm apart. Keep the plants evenly watered, weed free and avoid high nitrogen fertilizers. Harvest any time after the carrot roots develop good colour.