
Round Leaved Garland Oriental Greens Seeds 2550


Size: SKU: Price: Availability: Quantity: Total:
packet M-2550-PKT $1.75 Out of stock - -
125-g S-2550-125G-SS $20.95 Out of stock - -
500-g S-2550-500G-SS $65.65 Out of stock - -



Round Leaved Garland Oriental Greens Seeds 2550 Heirloom Vegetable. This is an edible chrysanthemum! A juicy, tender Japanese green; broadleaved, serrated with white ribs. A vigourous grower that tolerates cool weather. Great for salads or stir fries. Grown as a vegetable in mild to hot weather. Sometimes this fascinating vegetable will flower in the summer. As you might suspect, flower are yellow, daisy-like chrysanthemums!

How to Grow

450 seed/gram. In a sunny area with well drained soil, sow seeds in successive crops every two weeks from April to late May and again from early September to early October as long as weather is cool. Sow seed 1.25 cm deep and 2.5 cm apart in rows spaced 45 cm apart. Thin plants to 10 cm apart in the row. Light shade in summer is beneficial when temperatures get hot. Keep soil evenly moist for best growth. Harvest leaves and young stems when the plant is 10-15 cm tall.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

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Days to Harvest

Degree of Difficulty

Family Name

Frost Tolerance

Growth Habit



