
Thyme Seeds 3155


Size: SKU: Price: Availability: Quantity: Total:
packet M-3155-PKT $1.75 In stock
25-g K-3155-25G $30.55 In stock
125-g E-3155-125G $103.95 In stock



Thyme Seeds 3155. Open Pollinated. Heirloom Herb.

Approx. 700 seeds/pkt (2,800 seeds/gram)

Common Thyme is sometimes known as English thyme. To our way of thinking, there is no other herb that compliments as many roasted meat dishes as thyme. It is also commonly used in egg, cheese or shellfish dishes. Common thyme is also an excellent grilling herb with zucchini squash, eggplant and mushrooms. Our thyme variety stays fairly low, growing just 15-30 cm tall. Also treasured by honey bees and honey producers alike!

Perennial hardy to Zone 5 when grown in quickly draining soil under full sun.

How to Grow

Sow Thyme seeds directly outdoors in a sunny site with average soil in mid-to-late May or again in mid-August through to mid-September. In spring, seed can also be started indoors on the surface of a soil-less mix 8-10 weeks before last frost date. Keep temperature at 21° C for the 10-20 day germination period, then grow on under drier conditions at a slightly cooler temperature before hardening off and transplanting outside after the danger of frost has passed. Sow seed no more than 3 mm deep and 2.5 cm apart then thin the sprouts to 20 cm apart in the garden.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

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Days to Harvest

Degree of Difficulty

Family Name

Frost Tolerance

Growth Habit





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